Medical Equipment Reports (MERs)

Avoid buying medical equipment with expensive issues by getting Equiptrack Reports today.

Search for your Equipment below:

SN Search Form
STEP 7: Please read the statement below before searching
Medical equipment helps to diagnose, prevent and treat many injuries and diseases. We are not suggesting or implying that any companies or other entities included in the Equiptrack Medical Equipment Database engaged in unlawful conduct or otherwise acted improperly. The same device may have different names in different countries. This database is not intended to provide medical advice and patients should check with their doctors to determine if it contains relevant information and if such information has medical implications for them. Equiptrack/Acela Medical is not affiliated or endorsed by the FDA. I agree to the Customer Agreement and understand that Equiptrack may not have the complete history of every piece of equipment.
Don't see your Manufacturer, Model or Serial Number in the Search Form?

Equipment Label Guide for Equiptrack Reports

Typical Equipment Label

Enter equipment info from the label into the search fields

Search Tips

• Try removing any leading zeros in your serial number.

• Check to see that the letter I isn’t a number one or vice versa.

• Check to see that the letter O isn’t a number zero or vice versa.

• Check to see that the letter L isn’t a number one or vice versa.

*  I agree and understand that Equiptrack may not have the complete history of every piece of equipment.  Refer to our Terms of Use for more details.

See how Equiptrack Medical Equipment Reports can help you.

Equiptrack Reports Check for...

Equiptrack Reports - Service History Icon

Service History

PM History

Inspection Results

Last Reported # Cycles

Current SW Revision

Equiptrack Reports - Recall Icon


Recall Date

Current Status

Accessories Affected

Qty In Commerce

Equiptrack Reports - Repair Data Icon

Repair Data

Repair Records

Recall Issues Addressed

Repair Notes

Misc Damage

Frequently Asked Questions

An MER is a chronological list of recalls and maintenance events for a unique serial number.  Recall rows show details such as subassemblies of the system that have their own recalls and maintenance rows show completed inspection and maintenance tasks performed by our Partners.

No.  We do not have a report for every piece of medical equipment or system.  We have reports on equipment such as C-Arms, Anesthesia machines, Ultrasounds and other equipment where a Report is more helpful to potential customers looking to purchase those types of expensive equipment.

Any customer looking for more information related to purchasing expensive medical equipment.  Identifying problem equipment that has many recalls and/or few maintenance events gives insight into the overall condition and expected purchase price of a particular piece of medical equipment and is very helpful to informed equipment buyers.

Sell Your Used Medical Equipment with Equiptrack Reports

Selling Used Medical Equipment?

Build customer confidence with potential buyers by providing them with a Equiptrack Report today.

© 2023 Equiptrack

Recalls and Medical Equipment Maintenance Records for the Medical Equipment Industry including Consumers, Distributors and 3rd Party Resellers.

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Equiptrack products and services are based only on information supplied to Equiptrack. Equiptrack does not have the complete history of every unique piece of equipment. Use the Equiptrack search as one important tool, along with an equipment inspection and functional check, to make a better decision about purchasing your next piece of used medical equipment.